Thursday, October 8, 2015

Homework 5

The over world in our game is a platformer, and you just can't have one of those without a double jump. I have created a blueprint that allows the actor to perform a double jump and reach new heights.

As you can see, the actor that I am using for this is simply a cube with a cone on the front. Since it is a simple cube, the cone is necessary to indicate the actor's orientation after it rotates. I haven't gotten to any complicated mechanics yet, and instead have been adjusting the actor's physics (acceleration, air control, etc.) in order to make it feel good to control it.

The blueprint for the jump was not too complicated to make, although it's a great deal more complicated than a single jump. This blueprint involves creating a variable that keeps track of the amount of times that the actor has successfully jumped. If the number is less than 2, then the actor can jump again. Additionally, when the actor lands on a surface, the jump count is reset (otherwise, the actor could not jump again after landing). Finally, I added the ability to hold down the jump button to control the amount of air time. As soon as you release the jump button, the actor will stop jumping. This feature makes the jumping feel floaty and slow, which is unacceptable in a platformer. So, I have had to do a lot of fine tuning on the jumping and falling physics in order to make the jumping feel more intense.

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